1) Games are 6 innings long – with a 2-hour 15min stop time

2) The 10-run mercy rule is in effect after 5 full innings or 4 and a half if home team is ahead. If the game was completed in less than an hour and teams want to continue until the time limit has been reached – this is optional. If a game is called due to time limit, weather, darkness, etc., the score will revert to the last full inning played unless the home team has tied or taken the lead then the game will end with that result.

3) There is a 4-run limit per inning, except for the last inning. No matter how many runs score, teams must get 3 outs in the last inning.

4) If a team does not have 6 players, still try to play the game so there is no forfeit recorded. This is so the kids still get an opportunity to play; we encourage you to even up the sides and play a scrub game.

5) A team may use a 10th player (rover) or the regular 9 defensive players on the field during the game. If one team only has 9 players, the other team should only field 9 – all players still bat in the batting lineup.

6) Any player or coach warming up the pitcher must wear a helmet and mask. – please sanitize after.

7) All players are in the batting order.

8) Unlimited and free substitution is allowed at except for the pitcher.

9) A pitcher cannot pitch more than 2 innings in a game, and 4 innings in any 7-day period. One pitch thrown is considered a full inning. Once a pitcher is removed from pitching, they cannot return to pitch in that game or pitch again in that day.  Pitchers cannot pitch back-to-back days and must have at least one day of rest between games – this includes playoffs.

10) Catcher’s rule is in effect to speed up the game. If a catcher is on base with two outs, he or she is to be replaced by the player who made the last out. This allows the catcher to get their gear on so that the next inning can start quickly.

11) There is only one base granted on an overthrow, and only one overthrow per play to encourage players to try to make the play.

This rule is designed so that there will be no walks during games. If Ball 4 is called, one of the offensive team coaches (usually the first or third-base coach) hustles out to the mound to pitch to the batter. The regular (player) pitcher now moves to a position five feet to one side of the coach-pitcher. The coach will throw a maximum of pitches to the batter, pitching from the mosquito rubber. Please note that the ball must be properly pitched, and not lobbed.

If the coach throws a ball, it is simply called a no-pitch, and the count remains the same. If the pitch is a strike, it counts as a regular strike. If, after the fourth coach pitch the batter has not hit the ball or struck out, the batter is out UNLESS the fourth pitch is hit foul. If the ball is foul, the at-bat continues.

The batter is not allowed to bunt when the coach is pitching. 

As soon as the at-bat is finished, the coach runs back to his or her position, and the player-pitcher begins pitching to the next batter.

There are many advantages to using this rule:

  • Batters know they aren’t going to walk, so they are encouraged to swing the bat. This makes them better hitters.
  • Games are much faster as you don’t have pitchers walking 4-5 batters in an inning.
  • Games are much more exciting as kids put far more balls into play.
  • All players’ skill levels go up much faster, because with more balls hit, there is a lot more fielding and throwing and players are running from base to base on hits, not walking.
  • More kids are willing to try pitching because they don’t have the pressure of walking in runs and not being able to throw strikes.
  • Coaches are much more willing to allow more kids to try pitching because they won’t be walking in 4-5 runs an inning.
  • Helpful Hint:
    It’s not easy for coaches to pitch to the batters. They tend to try to throw too easy, which results in a great big slow arc pitch that batters have no chance of hitting. It’s very hard to throw strikes down the middle to these small players but try to keep your speed up enough so the ball comes in on a fairly straight line. It will make it much easier for your batters to hit.

13) Any player, who stops at third base during the play, can now advance home on the same play.  (New for this year)

14) The NO CONTACT rule is strictly enforced. Base runners must make every attempt to not have any contact with fielders who are making a play on the ball. Contact needs to be avoided at home plate. If there is accidental contact, the runner MAY be ruled out. If contact is intentional or negligent, the runner is out on the play and out of the game. Catchers and fielders are not allowed to block the plate or bases unless there is a play at the base or the plate.

15) No leadoffs or stealing.

16) The infield fly rule is not used in 11U.


18) All players / coaches are asked to pick up any garbage in or around their dugout at the end of each game.

19) We ask that everyone follow the FAIR PLAY policy. 

Call-up – during regular season – you can call players from other 11U house teams – or from 9U

During playoffs only callups from 9U can be used.

Any call-up should not be used for pitching in order to maintain arm safety – that player may be needed to pitch in their own game the following night, etc.

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